Everest – Ornamental apple trees for pollination

Arise from

Selection of Malus floribunda



Angers, France



Moderate to strong.



Early to mid-time. Everest is very suitable as pollinator for early blosseming apple varieties because of the early blossoming in combination with high quality anther dust.



Much anther dust of high quality. The flowering is overwelming on the branches of one until three years old.


Picking period

Inapplicable. It takes quite a long time for the appels to fall of the tree. Everest is not suitable for consumption.



Small sized with an orange-striped blush and a long stalk.



Not sensitive for scab and mildew. We advise to use at least three different varieties of ornamental apple trees in order to have enough anther dust available during the flowering period of the relevant apple variety.

Everest – Ornamental apple trees for pollination
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